Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My Story: Part III

Welcome back for the third and final part of the beginning of my weight loss journey :)

So like I said in my previous post, after joining the gym, I was hooked.  I started going nearly everyday, and sometimes I would go for nearly 2 hours at a time.  I was working myself hard on the elliptical, occasionally running on the track, and beginning to lift weights.  Around this time, I started seeing the numbers really begin to drop on the scale, and I was notching major changes in myself.  I was becoming more confident, and feeling way better about myself on the inside.

It was around this time that I really started to get into eating healthier as well.  I was scouring the internet for delicious yet healthy recipes, and trying to incorporate as many fruits and vegetables into my diet as I could.  Since then, my diet had dramatically changed, and I know this is helping me to feel healthier and stay slimmer.  

After a few months at the gym, I was really feeling major changes in my endurance.  One day the boy met me at the gym after work, and we decided to run some laps on the track together.  This was something I was not looking forward to doing.  He is a super athletic guy, had played soccer his whole life, and works out all the time.  However, I decided to tough it up, and do the laps with him.  We ran together, side by side, for a mile...and then I kept going.  I ran one mile, then two, then three...and I felt great!  I was so proud that I was able to stay next to him, and then exceed him.  He dropped out after the first mile, and I kept going.  INCREDIBLE!  

Before this run, the idea of racing had started in my mind, but I was always talking myself out of the idea.  I am not a runner, I am not good at running...why would I want to run in a race?  Dumb.  Well, after this day of running with the boy, my mindset changed.  Maybe I could do it.  Maybe I'm not as weak as I think I am.  And so it started...

I decided I was going to run a half marathon.  I did some research, and found one in June that sounded perfect.  I bought a book on my Kindle about training for and running a half marathon, and then I started.  I read the book, made a schedule, and started running.  Before this, I had run outside a few times when the weather was warmer, and was logging some indoor miles at the track at the gym, but nothing big.  When I started the training, I had 11 weeks before the race.  That was 3 weeks ago.  I'm now 8 weeks pre-race, and training well.

Surprisingly...I have found that I love the runs!  At first, it was hard to get myself out the door and starting running.  The weather in Chicago has been rapidly changing, the motivation was lacking some days, and some days fatigue was taking over.  However, after the first week or so, I realized that I'm not terrible at running.  I have been keeping track of my times and my average mile splits, and I'm doing shockingly well!  I have discovered that I actually like the feeling of when I run, and have found myself looking forward to my runs.  I've become addicted.

And now, I want you all to be a part of my journey! I want to share recipes, workouts, favorite gear, and motivation! I feel like my life is rapidly changing, and running is becoming all-encompassing.  I can't wait to blog more about it, and continue to grow and change.

PS...I also signed up for a MARATHON this week.  October 7th, 2012.  Milwaukee, WI.  yikes :)

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